

Dandruff is NO FUN at all! It is a distressing and an unsightly but very common hair issue often due to dry scalp, eczema or possibly a slight fungal infection. Dandruff typically looks like dry, fine flaky skin on the scalp, sometimes with areas of pink or red inflamed skin. It causes white flakes that will show noticeably on anything that you wear, especially dark clothing. While there are several effective treatments to remove dandruff, some cases are quite persistent. For the most part, it is thought of as an annoying & challenging problem to deal with, but some studies suggest that dandruff could be to blame for some hair loss too.

  • Scratching Causes Hair Fall

If you’ve got dandruff, chances are, you’ve got an itchy scalp. Dandruff makes you scratch your scalp more frequently than the average person, which can then result to more hair fall. One study found that as many as 40 percent of women suffer from hair loss as a result of these scratching actions. So technically, dandruff doesn’t necessarily cause hair loss, but indirectly could, through persistent scratching.

  • Dermatitis

Many cases of hair loss in which dandruff is also present are caused by dermatitis, which is an inflammation of the skin.  Skin will typically appear dry, swollen and red. This disorder can be caused by a number of things including stress, changing of seasons or allergies. Mild skin inflammations can be uncomfortable but when it is severe, it can cause prickly lesions and swelling. Most cases of dandruff with hair loss are caused by seborrheic dermatitis in particular.

  • Check your Shampoos

When you start taking notice of your hair loss, you may resort to using different brands of shampoos and other hair products to stop that. However, a certain ingredient found in many anti hair loss products such as  minoxidil, which actually causes dandruff, and in turn will lead to more scratching and subsequently, even more hair fall. It becomes a stressful cycle for both your hair and scalp, so make sure to look at & check the ingredients of your specialized hair loss products.

To conclude, there is indeed a link between dandruff and hair loss. The manner that they are connected depends on each individual case, which is why there is a number of available solutions that work for different people to getting back strong and healthy hair.

If  you are suffering from dandruff or any itchy scalp condition, Vivandi Trichology Center offers treatment that help remove and treat pesky dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis and other scalp irritation. Call 04-335 3336 for more information.


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