
Protein is your hair’s best friend… Up the intake!

If you worry about hair loss or thinning hair, you might want to look into your diet as it could be the culprit. At VTC, we talk a lot about how a healthy diet plays a role to having strong & healthy hair. Protein, namely lean protein, is one of the best and sure ways to fuel your follicles. It turns out your hair is made of a tough protein called keratin.

Our muscles, hair, nails, skin, and eyes are made of protein. Proteins are vital for tissue repair and for the construction of new tissue. When you become deficient of protein, hair growth ceases and your hair becomes dry, brittle and weak.  Hair will stop growing and older hairs fall out, resulting in hair loss.

Chicken, turkey, lean beef, fish, eggs and other dairy products are excellent sources of protein. For vegetarians, beans, soy and nuts are also rich in protein

When protein is eaten, it breaks down into amino acids, which pass through the blood and are carried throughout the body. Your cells can then select the amino acids they need for the construction of new body tissue, antibodies, hormones and more.

Experts vary on the amount of protein to eat daily, but a good rule of thumb is to aim for at least one serving of lean protein per meal.

Next to water, protein is the most plentiful substance in your body. We need it for our organs, but also for beautiful skin and hair, so increasing protein intake can improve your overall health – and the volume of your hair. That sounds like a win-win!

Contact us today for a confidential, no-obligation consultation to talk about other options and solutions for your thinning hair.


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