The Truth about Common Hair Replacement
Hair replacements have become a trend in the market. Hair loss or thinning leads to baldness be it, men or women. According to experts, 60% of men and 50% of women face hair loss issues due to a variety of reasons. Hair restoration was first performed in the year 1939 in Japan with single scalp hair. And with time, doctors came up with a “plugging” technique.
Hair replacements are more effective than purchasing over-the-counter hair restoration products. However, you need to consider the following factors:
- 10% to 80% of hair can be transplanted that will fully grow back in the time period of 2-4 months.
- Similar to natural hairs, even transplanted hair become thin over time.
- People who have dormant hair follicles, which means sacs that contain hair beneath the skin, but no longer grows, find less effective transplant results. But according to the study of 2016, plasma therapy can help to achieve fully grow hair up to 75%.
Hair replacements are accomplished by following two popular methods, which are follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT). Many people have some misconceptions concerning hair replacement procedure, so here we’ve unveiled these myths with some facts:
Hair replacement is not suitable for oldiesThis is a prevalent myth among customers. If the hair of donors is healthy, a hair transplant can be accomplished at the age of 70 or 80 or even older. If you feel that full-grown hair will boost your self-confidence and let you breathe freely, then age is just a number.
Hair transplants are meant for men
As the number of men faces hair loss issues as compared to women, but it does not mean that hair transplants are specifically for men. Women who are pregnant or undergoing some hormonal changes, then the hair loss or thinning will grow back. But if you’re female baldness pattern, then you can go for hair transplant.
Hair replacements show immediate results
It is the biggest myth of all. We wish if it was true. Well, it takes around 2-3 months after a hair transplant to get your natural hair back. Initially, hair dropouts will be observed, which is normal because, during this process, the root of new hair will be initiated in the balding area. You need to keep some patients to get your hair back naturally for longevity.
Washing hair after replacement frequently results in hair loss-
Well, it is another myth among people. Doctors don’t want your new follicles to be displaced, so they recommend sleeping upright and wearing button-up shirts. However, shampoos can be used for any brand, and washing frequently is required to keep your head clean from infections.
Call us at 04-335 3336 about an appointment to book a complimentary no-obligation hair replacement consultation today.